[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997

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Genre: First Person Shooter

Platform: PC

License Type: Complete Product

License Pricing: Standard

Product Details

Platform: PC

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 5.2 x 1.2 inches ; 3.7 ounces

Media: Video Game

Release Date: September 30, 2003

Product Description

Platform: PC

Product Description

Based off of the same theme as the previous Halo; In Combat Evolved take your battles online as you are the last of your kind bred for combat and built for war, master of any weapon and have the fear of no known enemy. You seek and destroyed the alien onslaught, fighting for the humanity while uncovering the mysteries that are Halo.

This action shooter takes place on a mysterious alien world. It offers a combination of team-based first-person-shooter gameplay (reminiscent of Tribes) and third-person vehicle combat elements. Gameplay kicks off with the player heading down to the planet's surface in a troop carrier, ? la Aliens. As the player and fellow marines exit, the remaining troopers form a flank in reaction to an oncoming onslaught of human and alien enemies.

It's this smart AI system that makes for a noticeably unique gameplay feel. Another very nice feature is the seamless transition into vehicular elements. As you venture through mission objectives, a variety of enemy flyers and on-ground buggies are yours for the taking. Come across a vehicle and the camera will pull back to a third-person view as you strap in and motor through crossfire. A co-op mode allows a friend to join you in the single-player missions. For chaotic fighting action, up to four players can duel in split-screen deathmatch mode or link systems for LAN play. However you choose to hero your way through Halo: Combat Evolved, the action should break in your new Xbox in explosive style. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997



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[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997推薦,

[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997討論,

[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997比較,


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[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997價格,

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[104美國直購] Halo: Combat Evolved - PC $997


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